Week 2 - 2023 General Session

Taking a selfie with constituents

I’m enjoying all of the work I get to do on behalf of my district in the Legislature. Whether it’s meeting with constituents, debating legislation, or hosting students, the days are packed and fulfilling.

In the last week, I had three bills pass Senate committees and two pass out of House committees.

Passed Senate Committees:

- HB13: Extends the life of the Governor’s Committee on Employment for People with Disabilities.

- HB34: Creates a process for government boards or commissions that aren’t submitting required reports to be automatically reviewed to see if those boards should be dissolved to keep government lean and efficient.

- HB65: Improves how the Division of Technology Services does security audits and manages software contracts.

Passed House Committees:

- HB42: Creates the Utah Innovation Lab to commercialize new technologies developed from university research projects. I’m extremely excited about this!

- HB224: Outdoor Recreation Investment Initiative. Creates a program to have multiple agencies cooperate on managing recreation areas.

Meeting with American Preparatory Academy

I also met with the students of the American Preparatory Academy and Summit Academy. We discussed the different committees I am on and some of my bills on outdoor recreation. I get excited when our youth are interested in government and its functions.

Finally, along with Senator Anderegg, we hosted the first-ever TOUR Caucus meeting. The Tourism Outdoor Utah Recreation Caucus will facilitate discussions between stakeholders and legislators on issues statewide related to tourism and outdoor recreation. I am really excited about the discussions we will be having about our great state, the great outdoors, and the communities affected by tourism. Watch the video below for more updates about my week.

As always, I want to hear from you. Let me know what issues are important to you!


Week 3 - 2023 General Session


Week 1 - 2023 General Session